It is Jesus who institutes this sacrament, choosing a group of followers to participate with him in the same priestly dignity.
(Cf. Lucas 22, 19)
The Priestly Order is the other sacrament that its fullness is reached in the service to the other, to the community, to the people of God. It is the sacrament, by which the consecrated person is signaled indelibly and sent to accompany, guide and sanctify the community of faith following the example of Jesus, who is the one and only High Priest of the New Covenant, in whom they are All things are reconciled and sanctified.
(Cf. Hebrews 8, 1, 9, 15)
Since our Baptism, we are all consecrated as priests, but it is the sacrament of Holy Orders that marks in a special way those who, feeling in their hearts the voice of God, wish to follow him and serve him more specifically as priests.
Today more than ever we notice a decline in vocations to the Order of Priests. There are many called and few who respond in fidelity and constancy to this invitation of God.
The prayer for priests and for vocations to the priesthood should be a constant prayer in the hearts of all communities of faith.
May the Lord grant us good and holy priests!